Leica CL Review and Sample Photos by Benjamin Traves

©2017, Benjamin Traves

©2017, Benjamin Traves

The brand new Leica CL has arrived!

I have been testing it and I will be posting my thoughts and more importantly, lots of sample photos very soon. Check back for more!


Note: The photos below are my own, copyright ©2017, Benjamin Traves - Please do not use them anywhere without my permission.

Leica CL - my first quick conversion to B&W from a raw file (DNG)

Leica CL - my first quick conversion to B&W from a raw file (DNG)

Quick unscientific test of dynamic range. Full sunlight to heavy shadow, and the CL did pretty well.



Below is a slideshow gallery of some of the test photos I took in a wide variety of light conditions. All were DNG processed in Lightroom and adjusted slightly to suit my preferences. Some of them have a film look which I added. The files look great to me so far and I'm looking forward to shooting more soon.