
Rooftop lifestyle shoot at sunset by Benjamin Traves

This shoot was a lot of fun, as you can probably tell, but it was actually a lot of work too. First, to coordinate four different male models from various agencies, plus a makeup artist and a wardrobe stylist, just the scheduling alone was a challenge. We had a very limited window of time to get the shots before we lost the sun and I needed everyone to have a good expression at the same time, which is hard without making things look too artificial and posed.

These are a few of my favorites from the series (slideshow):

Leica M Monochrom with flash by Benjamin Traves

Behind the scenes at a fashion show - Leica M Monochrom and flash

I wanted to test out the Monochrom with flash so I rigged up a sync cable to the Leica SF-58 along with a bracket I already owned from a previous camera system. Worked quite well although I was in fully manual mode, no TTL due to the sync cord being from a different manufacturer. Skin tones take on a silver look, similar to the old days of black and white film. I really enjoyed using this combo.

Look at the hands of all the models. They are just about to go out on the runway so they are at their most nervous.