
The Leica SL update - after two years of regular use by Benjamin Traves


The SL is Leica's most technologically advanced imaging system ever, period.

It was the most advanced camera on the market when it was launched two years ago. Touch screen, WiFi, GPS, USB 3.0 were not found on ANY OTHER serious full-frame pro cameras. Let that sink in for a moment. Leica absolutely destroyed the competition with this camera, yet almost nobody realized it except for existing Leica aficionados. Everyone else kept using inferior equipment because they did not know anything about this camera. Most people still don't, and I think it is a tragedy. Two years later, it is still ahead of its time.

The SL is simply brilliant.

I did not say it is Leica's "best" camera because I think that word is too easily thrown about with other reviewers these days.  Consider what you will be doing with a camera and that what is best for you may not be best for everyone. Also I love the M series dearly and it's amazing to me that Leica produces both of these very different types of cameras. This is the same company that still makes THREE different film cameras as well, so don't be too surprised. They have some impressive range for such a small camera company relative to the "big three" which is how I refer to Canon, Nikon, and Sony.



Sony A7R II Review and Sample Images by Benjamin Traves

Images ©2015, Benjamin Traves

My review of the Sony A7R II is here! (Well, a rolling review which I will be constantly updating)

So, the elephant in the room, which every review will address: It has a 42 megapixel sensor. Yes, that is a ton of pixels. Last month I tested out Phase One's newest beast (the IQ3 digital back with the new XF camera body) which has 80 megapixels. And of course Canon now has over 50 megapixels with the 5Ds/R so it's really not that crazy for Sony to go with 42 for their flagship shooter.

I am curious to see how this new A7R II compares with the Sony A7 II and Sony RX1 as well as my Canon 5D Mk III. A friend of mine has a ton of Sony gear so I should be able to test it with a wide variety of lenses to really see which ones are best for it. Honestly, there isn't much similar to this camera in terms of a fair comparison because it's just so unusual. No mirror, full frame, interchangeable lenses (and adapters for almost any other brand of lens you might want to put on it), plus it's weather sealed so you can go outside and play. Oh, and by the way, it shoots 4K video and can record it internally, unlike the A7S.

The 42 megapixel sensor is certainly interesting, though really not a huge difference in terms of image size from the previous generation of 36 megapixel sensors. I think the real key difference will be in dynamic range and low-light performance. That, and the ability to crop with an APS-C factor, which still leaves you with a very usable 18 megapixels.


** OK, so probably the most interesting thing about the new Sony A7R II that I've noticed so far is that, unlike with most other cameras, this one seems to have files that look much better on the computer than they did on the camera LCD screen. Usually, when you go out and take some pictures, you look at them on the camera and they seem great, then maybe just ok once you put them on the computer. Not so with this new Sony. It reminds me of the medium format Hasselblad and Phase One cameras I've used in the past, because on those the picture is barely even worth looking at on the rear LCD (which is why most pros shoot tethered to a laptop when using medium format digital backs like those) but once you see them on the computer the images are mind-blowing and incredibly detailed with outstanding colors and quality.


I will be working on this review and posting more text soon, but in the mean time you can check out some quick sample images below:

Pretty impressed with the little Sony/Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 and I'm looking forward to testing the new Zeiss Batis lenses soon. I'm a long-time Canon L user and the bokeh from the 50mm f/1.2 L glass is a bit smoother, although this Sony/Zeiss lens is far sharper wide open.

The colors from this sensor are phenomenal, with no adjustments needed.

I also tested the APS-C crop mode, which gives you the look of a longer lens (although it is not the same optically). Still, if you are using a fixed focal length and you don't have anything else with you (like me when I happened to see this peacock wandering around) it's nice to make the 55mm into an effective 82.5mm lens with the APS-C mode (multiply your focal length by 1.5x to figure out the conversion, i.e. a 35mm lens becomes a 52.5mm and so on).

JPEG Standard (not even "Fine")

JPEG Standard (not even "Fine")

Crop of the photo above this one. This was a "Normal" quality JPEG (I didn't remember to switch to RAW+JPEG until right after this, sadly)

Crop of the photo above this one. This was a "Normal" quality JPEG (I didn't remember to switch to RAW+JPEG until right after this, sadly)

And another quick crop test, this one was taken by my friend with his Sony 70-200mm f/4 (through a window, from his apartment on the 15th floor) while we were testing out the gear:

See the rectangle? That's approximately a 100% crop...

And here's the cropped image. I did not make an effort to recover the highlights. The boat is only over exposed due to the darkness of the water around it, which is most of the original image. Anyway, if this is your boat, be sure to say hi in the comments :)

Full size JPEG ("Standard" quality)

Images ©2015, Benjamin Traves


Now, for a high-ISO test... this next one is ISO 4000 at f/4.5 and 1/250th

ISO 4000 (!) at f/4.5 and 1/250th

Another shot at ISO 4000 (and keep in mind I set Noise Reduction to Low in camera and also sharpened this to +50 in Lightroom)

This one was shot with the relatively new Sony/Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 mounted on the Sony A7R II

The capabilities of this camera are truly astounding. I'm looking forward to doing much more shooting in the next few days, and of course I will be posting more images as well as my thoughts and impressions of this beast.

Images ©2015, Benjamin Traves

Images ©2015, Benjamin Traves

Images ©2015, Benjamin Traves


More images coming soon!

Also testing out the 4K video...


* The images and content on this site are copyrighted materials and may not be used or reproduced elsewhere for any reason without my written permission - ©2015, Benjamin Traves, All Rights Reserved